Nyc gay pride parade float winners

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Meanwhile this move to include children who considered themselves drag queens has some in the gay community up in arms.īlogger Chad Felix Greene who writes extensively on the gay lifestyle, warns that the use of a child in suggestive poses crosses the lines of decency and is promoting a culture which views children as sex objects.

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On his social networks, 'Desi' tells other young children they should not listen to their parents if they are told this is 'sin' and advocates for kids to run away from home if they are not accepted. The young boy, Desmond Napoles says he is unashamedly a boy who likes to dress as a woman but says he is not transgender, rather, he identifies as a 'drag kid.' The organizers have employed a 10-year-old child as the 'face' of this year's festivities.

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The annual New York City gay pride parade is known for its eccentric themes and over the top, sexually charged floats but this year's headliner has left many in the gay community shaking their heads.

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